How To Relax Your Dog?

Help your dog to relax

Tips in a normal situation: 

  • Be relaxed yourself

Dogs always keep their eye on us. They read our body language very well. When we are restless, they will be too. Make sure you are relaxed yourself. Move calmly and pay attention to your respiration if needed. Lower your voice and speak quietly.

  • No loud environmental noises

All environmental noises are stimuli for your dog. If you want your dog to relax, it’s best to take away as many stimuli as possible. Turn of your TV, find a quiet room. If you have other pets, it could be better to seperate them temporarily for the best relaxation experience.

  • Put on calm and relaxing music

Calm music can help your dog to relax. Be aware of the volume. Dogs hear much better than humans. Keep the volume down. We offer relaxation music in our webshop created special for dogs.

  • Provide a peacefull place for your dog

It’s nice if you dog has a place of its own, where he likes to lie. This can be a dog basket, a dog bed, an indoor kennel or bench of even next to you on the couch. When a dog has a nice place to rest, he wil be relaxed sooner and even fall asleep.

  • Remove all stimulating factors

Remove all toys for a while. It could be hard for your dog to relax when the room is filled with his toys.

  • Give your dog a massage

Everyone can give his dog a massage to help him relax. If you don’t realy know some massage techniques, try to pet your dog quietly. Pet him slowly and with long and firm strokes over his shoulders, his back and his side. Make sure to put some pressure on his body, because most dogs like this. You can also pet in circles or put some pressure on his shoulders and side with your hands. Pay attention to your own breathing and stay calm. Your dog will copy your state of mind.

  • Sufficient exercise

If you want a relaxed dog, it’s important to provide enough exercise and challenges. This is needed to tire you dog physical and mental. When your dog is tired, it’s easier for him to relax. The moment after a walk or play is perfect for a relaxation moment.

  • Give your dog a chewbone or chewtoy

Chewing helps to process stimuli and helps to relax. Make sure to not use chewingtoys to play. They are only to chew on and not to be thrown with.

Tips in a stressfull situation (storm, firework,…)

  • Support your dog, but do not comfort him

Many dogs look for support of their owner when they are scared of stressed. You can allow this, but don’t encourage his fear. There’s no need to comfort your dog, this can only confirm and increase his fear. Just act as usual, stay calm and ignore the thing that’s causing your dog’s fear. Now he will understand that there is no threat and that you’re there for him.

  • Provide a peacefull place for your dog

Create a place where your dog can stay when he is in fear. If he likes to lie under the table, let him and maybe even put a blanket under the table for him to lie on. If your dog has a kennel, you can put a blanket over it, for a safer feeling. Does your dog like to be close to you? Let him crawl up by your side.

  • Put on calm and relaxing music

Calm music can help your dog to relax. Be aware of the volume. Dogs hear much better than humans. Keep the volume down. We offer relaxation music in our webshop created special for dogs.

  • Create a distraction

This usually works very well with puppies and young dogs. Take his favorite toy and play together. Now it’s easier for him to forget the ‘threat’ and to focus on you and the toy.

  • Give your dog a chewbone or chewtoy

Chewing helps to process stimuli and helps to relax. Make sure to not use chewingtoys to play. They are only to chew on and not to be thrown with.

  • Sufficient exercise

If you know there’s a stressfull situation coming (e.g. firework), make sure to walk and play your dog in advance. When a dog is tired, it’s easier for him to relax. It’s also good if you don’t need to go outside anymore when your dog doesn’t feel save there (during firework, storm etc.).

  • You can give a snack, but don’t force your dog to

Some dogs just love to eat. A snack can distract your dog for a while in stressfull situations. Most dogs however won’t eat or drink when they are stressed or scared. Don’t force your dog with food or water.

  • Bring in a calm dog

It can help to bring in a calm dog, that doesn’t stress in a particular situation, that causes high stress by your own dog. E.g. when the dog of your neighbours isn’t affraid of thunder, his company can comfort your dog. Dogs are very aware of each other’s moods, so the calm of one dog can reduce the stress of an other dog.

When your dog has some serious anxiety problems or behavior problems, always consult a vet or dog behaviourist.